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The exacerbation of the pathology is accompanied by vivid symptoms.
Symptoms and treatment of bulbitis in acute form differ from the chronic course of inflammation. With a reactive superficial process, clinical manifestations are less pronounced than with deep ulcerative damage. In the chronic stage, patients rarely go to the doctor, because the disease does not bother them much, and the clinic is not very pronounced. Symptoms during exacerbation of bulbitis.
Patients who suffer from inflammation of the duodenal ampulla often complain of: Bulbit in the acute stage leads to the development of pylorus insufficiency and the formation of duodeno-gastric reflux, and subsequently - reflux esophagitis. Therefore, the clinical picture in such cases corresponds to these diseases.

Erythromycin allows you to visualize the esophagus, stomach and duodenum in turn.
In endoscopic examination, inflammation of the duodenum is differentiated into proximal and distal duodenitis.
Depending on the location, the cause of Erythromycin is suggested. It is believed that the signs of bulbitis are early manifestations of duodenal ulcer. Each stage is characterized by certain endoscopic signs. The superficial form is characterized by uneven swelling of the mucous membrane with unchanged areas. Against the changed background, spots with severe hyperemia are noted. With severe disorders, the swelling of the epithelium increases, single hemorrhages are observed, tissues bleed when touched.

Atrophic disorders are manifested by pale zones of thinned mucosa, the vascular network is clearly visible.
Erosive bulbitis is characterized by areas of mucosal defect surrounded by an inflammatory ridge. In the ulcerative form, they are deeper, in the center there is a fibrinous coating. Hyperplastic changes are manifested by pathological growth of the epithelium in the zone of transition of the stomach into the duodenum.
The appearance of symptoms of inflammation of the upper gastrointestinal tract is an indication for an examination. To determine the bulbitis and differentiate it from other diseases, the doctor first examines the patient, finds out the complaints and the history of the disease. To prescribe adequate treatment, laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods are recommended.

The specialist follows a specific therapy regimen, which includes:
Diet, with nutrition correction according to the stage of the disease.
Method What the study shows General blood test Indicators of the inflammatory process Biochemical blood test Function of the liver, pancreas, gallbladder Testeps to determine the pathogenic agent - urease test, PCR, serological markers for Helicobacter pylori infection Determines the presence of Helicobacter pylori FGDS with a biopsy of the mucous membrane Shows the state of the epithelium in various parts of the digestive tract, the degree of damage, the form of pathology Ultrasound Indirect signs of changes in the tissues of parenchymal organs, functional features, developmental anomalies X-ray special studies with contrast Presence of defects in the tissues of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum 12, foreign bodies.
The type of medical care provided depends on the degree and severity of the disease, the form of complications. Therefore, how to treat bulbitis, the doctor determines after a detailed examination of the patient. With pathology of moderate severity in adults, therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis or in the conditions of a gastroenterological department. Patients with acute manifestations and progressive deterioration of the condition are immediately hospitalized to decide on surgical treatment.